There is a Language
There is a language
Somehow known and forgotten
Somehow here and in every other time
There is a language
There is a language
Spoken by the body
Through feeling, emotion,, and sensation, to us
Listen closely
In a way
A subtle way
Ask yourself, what is this sensation?
Where is my attention sensing?
What is it seeking?
Like a child, feel your listening like love
There is a language
Spoken, never forgotten by places, animals, plants, rocks, rivers, thunder
Never forgotten by the Soul of your soles
Whether or not you have feet
This is a bottom language
A rippling echoing tingling vibrating undulating understanding that
All of this is life speaking
Speaking to all of us
Through the bindings
Through the ink
Through the paper
Speaking a language known and forgotten
There is a conversation
In a language
That crosses oceans, boundaries, borders, and bans
That has been folded into our skin, into our marrow
Where liberation is found
There is a language
A language that honors our fugitivity
A language that incites our abolitionist excitment
How does it feel to read the words of the targeted
How does it feel, what Sensations call out when we read the words of the censored, of the restricted, of the banned
There is a language that knows our emancipatory possibility resides here at our edges, at the edges of the body, in the body
Your listening, your gentle, patient, loving listening is essential to this conversation
You can speak this language